6 Powerful Business Storytelling Examples

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Six unforgettable brands that took business storytelling to the next level


Brand storytelling isn’t just some passing trend; it’s the besting heart of modern marketing. And guess what? It’s broader, bolder and bigger than you thought.


Don’t box brand storytelling into something that just your marketers should concern themselves with. From CEOs spinning stories that make leadership sparkle, to companies weaving narratives that make internal presentations pop, it’s all over the danged place.

Ready to dive into six red-hot examples of brand storytelling? From leadership masterpieces to marketing magic, we’ve got the lot.

Nike: sprinting ahead with storytelling

Nike’s been championing storytelling since before it was cool. You will, unless you’ve been living under a rock for more than three decades, remember the ever-iconic Just Do It campaign. It’s ancient but it still gives ya chills.

An 80 year old guy running shirtless across the Golden Gate Bridge motivates millions around the world, resonating across genders, cultures and experiences. It provokes an internal dialogue between the active and inactive versions of yourself.

Richard Branson: Virgin’s storytelling virtuoso

Richard Branson on stage

Richard Branson lives and breathes storytelling. For him, “the Virgin story – its ups, downs, opportunities, and challenges.” is more than a tale; it’s a blueprint for success.

In fact, he’s so dedicated to the importance of storytelling in business that he dedicated a whole month in 2017 to teaching his team how to attract customers and investors through the power of stories.

From blogs to books, he’s turned Virgin’s journey into an emotional ride. We couldn’t talk about brand storytelling without tipping our hats to this master narrator.

Budvar: brewing success through story

Czech brewer Budvar doesn’t just make beer; they craft stories. Their company’s history, the way they brew, the people behind it – all part of a compelling narrative that fuels their sales pitches.

The robust and flexible deck their sales team use on the road (which, incidentally, we helped Budvar to create) is built around the company’s story, with Budvar’s products presented in relation to this story, helping their salespeople build an emotional connection between themselves and their audience.

Airbnb: crafting community tales

Airbnb is a storytelling sensation brand. They don’t sell stays; they sell experiences, built around real people. The hosts, the guests, the shared moments – that’s the Airbnb story, as demonstrated by their ongoing “Host stories” YouTube series. That dedication to narration has catapulted the brand straight into the stratosphere.

Skyscanner: elevating engagement with narratives

When Skyscanner needed to rally their global team for a rebranding events, they turned to storytelling. With a blend of company history, individual achievements and heartfelt employee stories, they transformed an ordinary event into a storytelling extravaganza. (And yes, we helped them do it.)

Patty McCord: Netflix’s soaring star

Former Netflix CTO Patty McCord turned a PowerPoint into viral storified sensation. How, you ask? By telling the story of Netflix’s dynamic work culture, in Netflix’s “Freedom & Responsibility” presentation, published to attract eager new employees to the quickly growing company. It’s since been viewed over 20 million times.

The transformative power of storytelling in business

From hiring sprees and rocking internal presentations to marketing marvels and personal brand building, the world’s your oyster when you’ve got effective brand storytelling.

Need a bit of help to craft your own riveting brand narrative? Want to set the stage for your next presentation success? Reach out to us today, and we’ll help write the next big story together.

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