Mastering networking presentations

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Are you looking to ace your networking game? Leave lasting impressions at professional events? Wow entire conference crowds? An excellent networking presentation can be the secret to your success. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, using PowerPoint to enhance your networking presentations can be the difference between failure and a win.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps you need to take to create powerful and memorable networking presentations. The kind that are pretty much guaranteed to help you connect, engage and grow your professional network. Let’s jump in.

01. Start with a strong opening

The first few seconds (and slides) of your networking presentation are crucial. Begin with something eye-catching and attention-grabbing that introduces your key message.

Lots of trad networking decks will begin with an introduction to the speaker, but that’s not a hard and fast rule. Think of your opening less as an intro to you personally, and more like an elevator pitch that sells this presentation. Why should people listen to what you’ve got to say? Why should they give you their time? Snatch that concentration and clearly communicate what it is you’re all about right from the get go.

02. Define your networking presentation’s goals before you get going

Way before you’re stepping onto any stages, before you even open PowerPoint, you need to define the goals of whatever event you’re presenting at. Are you looking to share your industry expertise or just making some new connections? Making waves or just showing your support for your firm?

Having a solid understanding of your objectives will help you to perfectly shape your content and craft your narrative. It might seem like an exercise in wasting time, but we promise it’ll save you ages in the long run.

03. Keep it visual

PowerPoint is, first and foremost, a visual tool. You can use that to your advantage in mastering network presentations. Incorporate plenty of (relevant) images, charts and graphics to support whatever message you’re trying to convey.

In almost any case, minimal on-screen copy, bolstered by good-quality visuals and a slick accompanying speech will be way more captivating than dense walls of text.

04. Tell a story

Humans remember stories way better than they remember facts. 22 times better, in fact, than isolated facts.

Why not try focussing your content around one on of the six classic narrative arcs, and keep up that flow through every slide? Storify your business offering with anecdotes, examples and personal experiences that relate to your messaging. This will help you to connect with your audience on a more personal level.

05. Be concise

Networking events often have chock-full rosters with excruciatingly tight schedules. Keep your presentation concise and to the point, and well within your allotted timeframe.

As well as being good advice from a practical standpoint, keeping concise will avoid overwhelming your audience with too much info. Focus on the most important, relevant and engaging details and forget all the guff.

06. Engage with your audience

Another tip for making the most of a networking presentation is to ensure you’re engaging with your audience as much as possible. Encourage interaction wherever you can. Ask questions, invite comments and create opportunities for your audience to participate.

Engaged listeners, ones who are actively participating with the presentation, are more likely to remember you and therefore more likely to remember your message.

07. End every networking presentation with a CTA

Our final piece of advice is the same for virtually any presentation, but it’s especially crucial for something like a networking deck. All to often, these presentations close with a tepid “thanks for listening” slide. Which is definitely not the best way to keep engagement up.

Don’t leave your audience hanging at the end of your presentation. Conclude with a clear call to action. Consider what it is you want your new connections to do next. Is there a tangible action you’d like them to take? Whatever that looks like, use your closing slides to make that clear.

By following these tips, you can create effective PowerPoint networking decks – the kinds of decks that make the most of any networking opportunity. Remember – the goal isn’t just to share information but to build meaningful connections and foster professional relationships.

Still need a little help? Get the Future Present pros on your side. Get in touch today to learn how we can work together.

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