Smash Your Sales Targets With a Menu-Driven Presentation

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How to smash your sales targets with a menu-driven PowerPoint presentation


Calling all salespeople. The future of sales presentations has arrived, and it’s a total game changer: menu-driven PowerPoint presentations! Let’s dive in.


Imagine the most complex sales pitch you’ve ever given. Dozens of cranky stakeholders sit staring at you from the other side of an impressively heavy-looking mahogany table. You open the pitch strong (you always do!) but then, well before your Q&A slide is on the screen, the stakeholders begin peppering you with questions.

They won’t be satisfied with a “yes, we’ll come to X shortly”, they want their queries assuaged at once. You’re forced to click through endless slides, seeing all your lovely transition work wasted, to get to the relevant section. You answer the question, and then have to click back to your original position to continue the pitch. Rinse and repeat.

If your sales presentation had been menu-driven, all that faff could’ve been avoided.

What is a menu-driven deck?

Menu-driven PowerPoint presentations generally leverage a familiarity with standard website UX. You can incorporate a burger menu, a home button to take you back to a contents slide, or nested menus as a few quick examples.

The menu allows you to leap from one part of the presentation to another, effortlessly customising your pitch on the fly to meet the unique needs of the prospects you’re in the room with.

A menu-driven PowerPoint differs from a regular linear PowerPoint presentation because it allows you to leap from one section to the next, without the need to click, or tab, through the slides between.

a gif showing a PowerPoint menu

The old days of one-size-fits-all sales presentations are behind us. Our current era of rapid market change and widespread presentation fatigue means that a fresh, responsive approach isn’t just preferrable; it’s essential.

The ultimate pitch flexibility

Leeds-based project management consultancy Huddl sought out advice to redefine their pitching process. They needed something versatile, something that would provide them with the ultimate pitching flexibility.

A menu-driven sales deck was the ideal solution.

Creating a single, comprehensive deck that included every conceivable pitching eventuality was the order of the day. We developed a custom menu system, empowering Huddl’s team to selectively showcase different aspects of the deck for different prospects.

With this robust tool in their arsenal, Huddl’s sales team now crafts each pitch uniquely around each prospect, responding directly to the individual’s interests. Whether it’s a specific product line the prospect is particularly interested in, or if they just care about client testimonials, the ideal section is nothing more than a click away.

This approach fosters more of a conversational vibe in the pitch room, giving the prospect the chance for open dialogue around their wants, needs and curiosities.

For now and forever

Huddl vision for their menu-driven decks extended beyond the immediate future. They needed decks that would serve the well now, and into the future.

So, we also designed custom Huddl templates and built-in PowerPoint themes to allow them to create better presentations in-house going forward.

We designed a custom-branded PowerPoint template that seamlessly incorporated Huddl’s impressive brand, translating it perfectly into the presentation world. Now, their team can consistently generate professional, visually-engaging presentations whenever they need them. It’s a future-proofed solution that empowers them to shine every time.

Game-changing sales conversations

What we crafted for Huddle isn’t merely a new type of PowerPoint presentation; it’s an entirely new way of conducting sales conversations.

Their new menu-driven deck enables the delivery of innovative, interactive pitches, tailored for diverse sales situations. Coupled with their new branded templates, Huddle now has all the tools they need to ensure internal and externals presentations continually resonate with their brand’s impeccable aesthetics.

In essence, Huddl’s new PowerPoint assets don’t just adapt to the future; they shape it.

[highlight]Ready to transform your sales pitches?[/highlight]

The era of stale, linear presentations is over. If you’re looking for a fresh new way to elevate your sales game and step in the PowerPoint future, we’re here to help.

Contact us today, and let’s create the perfect presentation strategy for your business’s success.

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