{"id":545,"date":"2021-01-22T13:54:03","date_gmt":"2021-01-22T13:54:03","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/thoughts.futurepresent.agency\/?p=545"},"modified":"2024-04-12T15:54:05","modified_gmt":"2024-04-12T14:54:05","slug":"storytelling-techniques-for-presentations","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/thoughts.futurepresent.agency\/news\/storytelling-techniques-for-presentations\/","title":{"rendered":"Presentation Storytelling in 5 Easy Steps"},"content":{"rendered":"

Creating compelling PowerPoint narrative using traditional storytelling tactics<\/h1>\n


Storytelling is an intrinsic part of being human. Find a way to shove it into your PowerPoints and you\u2019ll be a presentation storytelling pro in no time.<\/p>\n


Using traditional storytelling techniques creates compelling presentations. But using presentation storytelling properly means knowing the techniques. You can\u2019t just slap \u201conce upon a time\u201d through to \u201chappily ever after\u201d across your slides and call it done. (Well, you can, but you probably shouldn\u2019t.)<\/p>\n

So we\u2019ve broken the secrets of presentation storytelling down into five easily-digested steps that you can go away and shoehorn into your existing decks. Let\u2019s start by getting to know stories a little better though.<\/p>\n

What makes a story a story?<\/h2>\n

If we asked you if you knew what a story was, odds are you\u2019d reply with an eye roll and an affirmative. But if we asked you to actually define the components of what makes a story work, your answer might be sheepishly different.<\/p>\n

Which, as it happens, is totally reasonable. Because it\u2019s really hard to pin down a consistent definition of what it is that makes a story a story. There are consistent elements that pop up across lots of different kinds of narrative \u2013 strings that tie together everything from Grimm\u2019s fairytales to Tarantino\u2019s flicks. But stories are so much more than that. Stories are how we forge intimacy with our peers, how we drive empathy and make arguments convincing. How we transfer wisdom and propel creativity to lofty new heights.<\/p>\n