{"id":647,"date":"2019-09-18T15:20:18","date_gmt":"2019-09-18T14:20:18","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/thoughts.futurepresent.agency\/?p=647"},"modified":"2024-04-12T15:55:14","modified_gmt":"2024-04-12T14:55:14","slug":"password-protect-powerpoint","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/thoughts.futurepresent.agency\/news\/password-protect-powerpoint\/","title":{"rendered":"Password Protecting Your Presentations"},"content":{"rendered":"

Looking to lock-down your PowerPoint presentation? Here’s the low-down to show you how to easily safeguard and add password protection to those sensitive slides.<\/p>\n


An incredible presentation doesn’t just sit quietly on a shelf – it demands to be unleashed. We dedicate ourselves to crafting killer PowerPoints for your enjoyment, and the enjoyment of your audience, but sometimes you need to keep things private.<\/p>\n

Got a presentation teeming with confidential info, or one that’s exclusively tailored for select eyes? You need to think about password protecting that presentation. It’s safe and sound on your device, secure behind your swanky biometric systems. But what about when you hit send on that email?<\/p>\n

Emails are hacked, misread or sometimes blasted to a bunch of unintended recipients. That precious presentation, filled to the brim with all your top-secret stuff, could slip through your fingers.<\/p>\n

Setting a password: your PowerPoint’s personal bodyguard<\/h2>\n

Fear not, PowerPoint’s got your back. There’s a nifty little built-in password feature<\/a>. Enable this and nobody’s getting in without the secret code.<\/p>\n


Here’s how to set a password on a PC:<\/h3>\n