2024 Presentation Trends

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Well, hey there!  Nice to see you back. We’re guessing you’re here because you want to get ahead of the presentation game. Well, you’ve come to the right place. Let us show you what we think 2024 has in store for presentations.  

Just like all other industries, presentation design is in a constant state of flux. It’s always evolving, experimenting with new technologies, strategies and styles. Your presentation speaks for your company, so why not have it say: ‘We’re unique, we’re innovative, and we’re always ahead of the curve?’ 

Here are a few ideas that might kickstart some presentation inspiration for you.  


While minimalism has taken the design world by storm, it hasn’t quite made its debut into presentations before now. As of 2024, minimalist presentations are an excellent option for clean, aesthetic and visually pleasing slides. Less colour and less animation can be more. You can communicate just as effectively without throwing in every piece of information possible, going overboard or distracting the audience. While it might not feel right that white space should be part of your design, embracing this look can amplify your presentation’s simplicity and elegance and drive home your messaging more clearly.  


There’s no arguing about this, fonts are fun! For ages the general consensus has been to stick with standardised fonts, like Calibri, but we’re happy to announce that typography is finally in! Don’t be afraid to get creative with your texts and embrace more visually appealing words, whether flowery or bold, to make a memorable presenting experience. 


Another fun new trend is the use of vintage and retro design. This could mean recreating a style from your childhood or going back even further. Playing on the visual power of nostalgia can bring out strong emotions and be a fun way to combine the new and the old in your presentation. With mid-century styles making a huge comeback across fashion and design, harking back to this age could also be an excellent way to include style and charm into your presentation. 


Often we feel like our presentations must be serious, dark and imposing to come off as professional. But 2024 is seeing a rise in more whimsical and fun design, with pastels as a trending choice for a more soothing, playful and relaxing vibe. Pastels can give your presentation a soft and gentle feeling that’s less stressful and pressurising. Softer pinks, baby blues and sunny yellows can be a fantastic colour palette for your presentation in 2024.  

Multi-Media Integration

PowerPoint has evolved over the years, so now simple words on slides are no longer groundbreaking. While basic slides are always an excellent starting point, throwing in some multi-media elements is a fun way of keeping your audience interested and engaged. Video, animation, motion graphics and 3D elements are all excellent methods of breaking up the monotony of information on slides. Providing multiple communication options can help meet all accessibility requirements and learning preferences. Visually dynamic design can elevate your slide game to no end. We strongly recommend popping in a few fun treats along your presentation journey.  

Virtual Reality

With the rise of VR being seen across a number of mediums, why not consider transforming the shape of your presentation? While this might not be possible for every organisation, if you do have the means, a virtual reality presentation could seriously blow the socks off your audience. Not only is it engaging, fresh and exciting but it’ll make a long-lasting impression and ensure your audience is as engrossed as possible.  

This also opens up the possibility of remote presentations that are immersive and engaging. If you feel your presentations aren’t hitting hard enough on the Teams meeting, this could be something to look out for. VR presentations let you create lifelike, 3D environments that bring your ideas to life.  


These are only a few of the trends we have predicted for 2024 and I’m sure we’ll only see more emerge throughout the year. But don’t feel like these are the only ideas you can work from. Being creative and thinking outside the box will always engage your audiences and showcase your brand as fresh and fun. Plus, it’ll ensure that your slides are memorable and not just a part of another cookie-cutter presentation. 

If you’d like more presentation tips and hints, stay tuned for more blogs coming your way. Wishing for a magic wand to transform your slides with the most up-to-date designs? We may not be your fairy godmother, but we’ll work our magic on your presentation. Get in touch today!

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